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董夔,美籍知名华裔作曲家,现任美国Dartmouth College终身作曲教授音乐系系主任。作曲启蒙老师刘庄。1983考入中央音乐学院作曲系,师从杜鸣心、吴祖强教授,在校期间曾为中央芭蕾舞团创作芭蕾舞剧《杨贵妃》,并为多部影视剧创作音乐。1991年赴美学习电脑音乐(Computer Music)。1996年获斯坦福大学(Stanford University)博士学位。她受到前卫实验,爵士乐,电声和其他民族音乐的影响,并在自己的创作实践中保持对西方古典音乐和中国深厚文化底蕴的敬意。董夔的作品题材丰富多样,包括管弦乐、室内乐、合唱、电声音乐、电影配乐、多媒体艺术和自由即兴等;作品风格独特徊异,有时也将戏剧,以及中国和非西方音乐的概念融入到创作中。如《风土一为管风琴与民乐队而作》、弦乐四重奏《Differences within Sameness》、大型双合唱与打击乐三部曲《明月几时有&歌》、《青蛙和蟋蟀》及《色光》、大型钢琴组曲《金木水火土》、《四季为弦乐四重奏、筝,洋琴,马头琴,唢呐与击乐而作》《为四人而作的打击乐一肢解的阶梯》等,电脑程序音乐《飞翔的苹果》和《crossing》等。当前她正在创作一部室内歌剧《胡同》(由《Crossng《RealTimeopera与阿戈基金会约稿)及一部由由著名的Tanglewood Music Festival约稿的新弦乐四重奏。

董夔曾在美国、奥地利、意大利获奖,主要包括奥地利Ars Electronica国际电子艺术大奖赛荣誉奖,美国USA/Commissioning program award Serge Koussevitzky音乐基金会和国会图书馆奖,哈佛大学的Fromm Meet the composer作曲家奖,ISCM国际作曲家联盟协会和Alea国际作曲大奖赛一等奖等。其作品被《华盛顿邮报》、《英国留声机际》、《查理華顿邮报》、《波士顿音乐智能》等报刊誉为“具有特殊,异常的美感和想象力”,“具有21世纪的感悟”,“一个混合音响的迷宫“,“美妙音响萦绕不绝,发人深省。”已出版的作品光盘有“盘古之歌(2004)、“手像波浪一样展开”(2008),“明月几时有”(2011年)。2013年她又新发布了三首作品,即:《跟我学:为单簧管和电子音乐而作》(2009),《(2009)《ShaIIWePlay弦乐四重奏,钢琴四手和玩具钢琴》(2012年),自由即兴《三人行》(作曲家/演奏家之一),及OtherMindDifferences within Sameness,合中之分弦乐四重奏(2015年)。精选室内乐作品集及合唱作品集分别于2015年,2018年由中央音乐学院出版社出版。她近期大型作合唱作品《色光》及访谈由北京中央电视台CCTV9在2017年七月向全球播出。

Described by newspapers and magazines such as Washington Post, Gramopho International UK, San Francisco Examiner, Charleston Post and Courier, The Boston Intelligencer as" 21st- century sensibilities","exquisitely.. ceaselessly compelling", " exceptional beauty and imagination","a hybrid sonic labyrinth" and"beautiful and haunting and thought-provoking," Kui Dong's music has been performed and commissioned by numerous ensembles and received honors and prizes from a wide spectrum of prestigious institutions, including Central Ballet Group of China, The National Performing Art Center Spain's Tenerife Symphony Orchestra,UK's Arditti Quartet, Austria's Ars Electronica, The Tanglewood Music Center and Festival, Nancy Karp Dance company, Del Sol Quartet, Volti, SFCMP, Melody of China, USA Commissioning Award, The Serge Koussevitzky Music Foundation and Library of Congress, the Fromm Music Foundation at Harvard University Meet the Composer, ISCM, and ASCAP etc.

Dongs compositions span diverse genres and styles and include ballet, orchestral and chamber works, chorus, electro-acoustic music, film scores, and multi-media art and free improvisation. Her works written in US increasingly show a unique synthesis of influences from Avant-garde experimental, jazz electro-acoustic and other ethnic music, and at the same time maintain a profound respect to Western classical music and a deep cultural connection with her root. She sometimes incorporate theatre as well as Chinese and non-western instruments and musical concepts into contemporary settings.

Her music, including three full length CDs can be found on New World Records Pangu's Song (2004)and Other Minds Records Hands Like Waves Unfold (2008)and Since When Has The Bright Moon Existed(2011). Releases in 2013 include Follow Me?(2009)for electronic and clarinet and Shall We Play?(2012-13 for string quartet, piano 4 hands and toy pianos on Grammy Award nominated Sono Luminus Records, as well as Trio on Henceforth Records.A collection of her chamber works was published by Central Conservatory of Music Press in May and the recording of"Differences within Oneness"for string quartet was digitally released by Other Mind Record/Naxo in November of 2015. Her interview and her two large choral works Shui Diao Ge To Song for mixed vocal ensemble, percussion and piano and Painted Lights for double chorus are featured in the documentary film"Su Tong Po"was aired on the China Central Television Channel 9 in July 2017. A collection of her large choral music will be published by the Central Conservatory of Music Press this year.

She is a professor of Music Composition and the Chair of the music department at Dartmouth College. When she is not writing music, she occasionally performs free improvisation on piano.




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