2006年10月24日 18:29凤凰卫视

歌手:Justin Timberlake


专辑: Futuresex Lovesounds


简介:JIVE唱片公司艺人 Justin Timberlake 将继其在全球热卖700万的首张大碟 Justified 之后,于9月12日发行他的第二张专辑 FutureSex/LoveSounds,首支单曲“SexyBack“也将于7月7日起亮相全美各大电台。

单曲”SexyBack”是由 Justin Timberlake, Timbaland 和 Nate Hills 共同创作完成的,而专辑 FutureSex/LoveSounds 则是由 Justin Timberlake,JAWBreakers, Timbaland 和 Rick Rubin 联手打造的。


I'm bringin' sexy back
Them other boys they don't know how to act
I think it's special... what's behind your back
So turn around and and I'll pick up the slack

Dirty Babe
You see these shackles baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way
(take it to the chorus)

Come here girl, go head be gone with it
Come to the back, go head be gone with it
VIP, drinks on me
Lemme see what you're twerking with
Look at those hips
Make me smile
Go 'head child and get your sexy on

I'm bringin' sexy back
Them other fuckers don't know how to act
Girl let me make up for all the things you lack
Because you're burning up I got to get it fast

(Take it to the bridge)

Dirty Babe
You see these shackles baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way

(take it to the chorus)

Come here girl, go head be gone with it
Come to the back, go head be gone with it
VIP, drinks on me
Lemme see what you're twerking with
Look at those hips
Make me smile
Go 'head child and get your sexy on

I'm bringin' sexy back
you mother fuckers watch how I attack
If that's your girl, baby watch your back
Cuz you're burning up for me and that's a fact



   编辑: 果燕

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