小提琴家薛伟出生于1963年,8岁开始学习小提琴,14岁考入上海音乐学院附中,19岁考入中央音乐学院,先后师从林耀基、郑在石、周彬佑、陈新之等教授,1985年他得到英国伦敦市市长的帮助,由Midland Bank和Kleinwort Bengon提供赞助,到英国格尔豪音乐学院大师班跟随尼曼教授学习。
薛伟参加过1981年举办的全国艺术院校青少年小提琴比赛,获青年组银奖,被认为是“中国小提琴登上国际乐坛的希望之星”。在1982年和1983年, 他先后参加了英国卡尔-弗莱什国际小提琴大赛和日本国际音乐(小提琴)大赛,在日本的比赛中获得季军,从此开始进军国际乐坛。在1986年莫斯科第八届国 际柴科夫斯基小提琴比赛上,薛伟摘取银牌。仅仅两星期后,他返回伦敦再次参加卡尔-弗莱什国际小提琴比赛,又赢得了金奖和包括奏鸣曲奖、乐团奖和观众奖在内的全部奖项。同年,他又获得英国青年独奏家年奖。他在莫斯科比赛中出色的演奏,不仅深深打动了观众,而且还感动了评委们。小提琴评委伊戈尔-奥伊斯特拉 赫说,在薛伟演奏时,“我看到旁边的几位评委眼中噙满感动的泪水”,苛刻的音乐评论家们称他是“唯一没有非议的独奏家”,“达到了无与伦比的艺术境界 ”,“他的演奏如出浴的太阳一样辉煌”。同样,薛伟在英国比赛中的表现,也受到了英国所有重要报刊的高度赞扬。
近年来,薛伟不仅与重要的英国乐团合作,还经常同世界各国的著名指挥合作,举行过上千场音乐会,在世界各国均得到高度的评价。1995年他参加庆祝联合国成立50周年的演出时,受到英国女皇伊丽莎白二世的接见,50多个国家的驻英使节及数万名观众为他的精湛演奏所折服。《斯特拉底》等国际权威杂志都曾用 他作为封面人物,伦敦《卫报》赞誉他是“一位所向披靡的演奏家,技术摄人而超凡,表达能力雄浑,变化多端”。
Xue Wei Violinist
Born in China, Xue Wei has been described as "one of the outstanding violinists of our time" (Gramophone). Xue Wei is a prizewinner at the 1981 China National Violin Competition, the 1982 Carl Flesch International Violin Competition and the 1983 Japan International Music (Violin) Competition. He moved to the UK in 1985 with the sponsorship of the then Lord Mayor of London, Midland Bank and Kleinwort Benson to study at the Guildhall School of Music with Yfrah Neaman.
In 1986 Xue Wei won the Tchaikovsky Silver Medal in Moscow and a week later returned to London to win first prize and all other available prizes including the Sonata Prize and Orchestra and Audience Prize at the Carl Flesch International Violin Competition. In the same year he was voted LPO/ Pioneer UK Young Soloist of the Year.
Xue Wei has been described as "a devastating performer, combining formidable technical prowess with great breadth and variety of expression" (The Guardian). He appears regularly in the UK and tours extensively in the Far East.
Xue Wei has recorded for ASV, RCA and Elite. His recent releases have received glowing reviews and were chosen as 'record of the month' in a number of publications. Reviews of previous releases were unanimously complimentary about his performances: "I was absolutely riveted by this performance and cannot recall having heard this work played so well or so memorably with either on record or in concert" (Classic CD- Tchaikovsky) "Xue Wei's expressive power and dramatic conviction outshine Kennedy strongly" (Gramophone- Brahms/ Mendelssohn).
His recording of Strauss and Headington Violin Concertos was nominated in the Brits Awards and was described by Gramophone as "played with panache and deep musical integrity by one of the outstanding violinists of our time".
Xue Wei has recently contracted to Sony Classical; under this contract, Xue Wei will be recording, in addition to concertos, a varied series of violin piano and violin solo works.