日本Baby Boo演唱组
日本Baby Boo演唱组
以“创作真实”为口号,从1996年开始以神户为据点活跃起来的实力派演唱团体Baby Boo终于在2002年正式出道。如心脏血管般纤细的曲调与绝美的和声相融合是Baby Boo的最大特点,也是其麾下聚集众多忠实歌迷的重要因素。演唱出道至今已发表原创专辑4张,改编翻唱经典专辑3张。其中多首歌曲被作为各电视台节目和电视剧的主题曲、插曲。2007年2月14日的情人节,Baby Boo迎来了出道5周年的纪念日。同日,发行纪念专辑《Baby Boo Best》,获得日本艺能界众多赞誉。以5周年为起点,Baby Boo重新出发,努力让更多的人能领略到融入每个成员丰富多彩的个性的完美和声音乐。
Date: May 4th
Venue: To be determined
Baby Boo from Japan
Since 1996, Baby Boo has started to appear on stage actively around Kobe, followed by official presence in 2002 with slogan of “creating reality”. The most distinguished feature is the combination of cardiovascular-like tender tune and perfect harmonies, which is also why numerous loyal fans are crazily attracted to it. Since the debut presence, it has launched 4 albums, adapted 3 classical ones, including many songs being selected as theme or episode songs for TV programs or TV series. On Feb 14th, 2007, the 5th anniversary of Baby Boo, it launched a memorial album named Baby Boo Best, which has received great appraises from art world. Starting from 5th anniversary, Baby Boo is trying to reach more audience with their diversified, yet unique harmonies by music.