• 热门搜索词:
2007年09月07日 16:29凤凰网娱乐  【



In a dance with stunning movement invention, spectacular sets and a spiky score by the iconoclastic Edgar Varèse, Paul Taylor recalls the Byzantine Empire, an economic, political and cultural “superpower” whose thousand-year reign ended in the 15th Century.  The dance begins with a quartet of holy figures performing a religious ceremony, after which a flagellant engages in repentance.  With the passage of time, morality decays and, with the dancers staggering as if from an earthquake, the empire collapses – as empires often do. 

“Taylor is revisiting the Dante circles of hell… A savage work, full of brutalized images, pictures of destruction and suggestions of decay.  Taylor’s apocalyptic vision is gross and nasty, appallingly graphic, yet mightily effective in its fierce-etched power.” – Clive Barnes, New York Post


   编辑: 沈子超

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