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2007年09月07日 16:34凤凰网娱乐  【



The once mighty jumped to their deaths from skyscrapers, former millionaires sold apples on street corners, and every metropolis sprouted Shantytowns.  America was in the grip of the Great Depression – but rather than dwell on its terrible effects, popular culture from Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood celebrated the nation’s can-do spirit.  Paul Taylor recalls the valiant souls of the ’30s with a masterwork from his Americana series.  He peoples his Shantytown with Vaudevillians and Doughboys, hookers and showgirls, all eking out a meager existence on the streets of the city.  Music hall hoofers recall their heyday, down-and-out couples jitterbug down Park Avenue, a pimp continues to hawk his wares, and a newsgirl pretends to slay the big bad wolf that is the Depression.  Sections set to The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams – the era’s great torch song – and Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? – its enduring anthem – powerfully illustrate the tragedy of shattered hopes and dreams.


   编辑: 沈子超

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