2009年03月30日 14:01凤凰网娱乐 】 【打印已有评论0

Le Poème Harmonique  « L'humaine comédie »

Baroque music

Date: April 24th

Venue: Forbidden City Concert Hall

Price: 280/180/120/60/30


Le Poème Harmonique, a group of soloists who came together in 1998 under the direction of Vincent Dumestre, centres its artistic activity on music of the seventeenth and the early eighteenth century.

The ensemble also gets back to the sources of early French and Italian music through exploration of its relationships with traditional or folk music. The recording Aux Marches du Palais, for example, is devoted to French songs of oral tradition.

Since it was founded Le Poème Harmonique has made many concert tours in Europe and other parts of the world, including Latin America and the Far East.

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