


赵梅笛(钢琴)3岁学琴,9岁被日内瓦音乐大学预科破格录取,14岁获学士学位,16岁即获硕士学位,瑞士籍华裔少女赵梅笛堪称钢琴奇才。日内瓦音乐大学校长、钢琴家Philippe Dinkel先生曾毫不掩饰


3岁学琴,9岁被日内瓦音乐大学预科破格录取,14岁获学士学位,16岁即获硕士学位,瑞士籍华裔少女赵梅笛堪称钢琴奇才。日内瓦音乐大学校长、钢琴家Philippe Dinkel先生曾毫不掩饰地说:“赵梅笛(Mélodie Zhao)是我任日内瓦音乐大学校长近30年来遇到的最有才华的学生,是李斯特先生创建的本校钢琴系最杰出的代表。她获得了我们学校能够给予的一切荣誉和奖项。作为一名全面的音乐家,她正在影响瑞士乃至欧洲乐坛。”赵梅笛以她超众的天才刷新着一项项纪录:13岁即录制出版肖邦24首练习曲,16岁录制出版李斯特12首超级技术练习曲,2012年至2013年,19岁的她更录制完成了被称为钢琴领域喜马拉雅的贝多芬32首钢琴奏鸣曲全集唱片,受到欧洲业界人士极大关注,为此,瑞士电视台新闻做了专题报道,该全集唱片获得了瑞士2014年度古典音乐唱片销量第一。此外在2013年,赵梅笛与瑞士最好的法语区(国家)交响乐团(瑞士罗曼达交响乐团)合作,录制了柴可夫斯基第一和第二钢琴协奏曲,该唱片获得法国最权威的古典音乐杂志Diapason最高的五音叉评鉴。



瑞士著名电视主持人Alain Morisod先生曾对电视观众说:“作为一名杰出的、神奇的瑞士籍华裔钢琴家,赵梅笛(Mélodie Zhao)是我们瑞士人民和中国人民的共同骄傲。”


At age 22, Mélodie Zhao is one of the most promising pianists of the new generation: she recorded Chopin’s 24 Etudes at 13, Liszt’s 12 Transcendental Studies at 16, then played these monumental complete cycles at the Victoria Hall of Geneva with great success; between 17 and 19, Mélodie recorded Beethoven’s complete 32 sonatas under the Swiss label Claves Records, and in 2013, she recorded Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concertos No. 1 & 2 with Orchestre de la Suisse Romande,Diapason give this recording a 5 Pitchfork, the highest grade.

Swiss of Chinese origin, Mélodie Zhao was born in September 1994 in Gruyères into a musical family. She began studying piano at age 3 with Jiaquan Chen, professor at Beijing’s Central Conservatory of Music of China. At 9, she entered the Geneva Conservatory under the instruction of Mayumi Kameda-Balet. At 13, she began studying under Pascal Devoyon at Geneva Music University where at 14, she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree with the highest honors, and also received the Fran?ois Dumont Prize for the best interpretation of a Beethoven sonata. At 16, she was awarded the Master’s Degree in Soloist Performance with distinction, as well as the Georges Filipinetti and Carola Pajonk prizes for the musician with the highest and most refined musical sensitivity. Mélodie Zhao was Migros Cultural Percent Soloist during years 2009 to 2012, and was awarded Leenaards Foundation’s 2011 scholarship.

Accustomed to the stage since age 6, she gave her first solo recital as well as her debut performance as soloist with an orchestra at age 10 in Geneva. At age 12, she began her career as an international concert pianist, performing in Migros-Classics Tour as well as at festivals such as the Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad, Davos Festival, Zurich Festival, Zermatt Festival, Zurich Tonhalle Gesellschaft, Budapest Festival, Valldemossa Piano Festival, Bratislava Festival. Swiss and French radio and television broadcast regularly Mélodie Zhao’s live concerts and recordings. From 2015,  She has become a long term partner of the Dragon Quartet, a top chamber music ensemble in China.

Since she was 13, Mélodie Zhao has performed regularly with many major ensembles such as the Suisse Romande Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Lausanne and Zurich Chamber Orchestras, Swiss Camerata, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, China National Ballet Orchestra, Lithuanian National Opera Orchestra, Russian Belgorod Symphony Orchestra etc.

In parallel to the development of her pianistic career, Mélodie Zhao is also a composer and a conductor. Her first opus, a piano sonata entitled ”Sources” (Water Springs), received a standing ovation when it was premiered in Europe and China and has featured on radio and television programmes. Her other works include Piano Capriccio “White Haired Woman”, “Phantasmagories” for chamber ensemble ordered bythe Rudra-Béjart Ballet Atelier and the ? Classical Overture ? for symphonic orchestra. She studies composing with Jean-Claude Schlaepfer in Geneva and Nicolas Bacri in Paris and Brussels.

Mélodie Zhao has performed as pianist while conducting at the same time Chopin’s 2nd Concerto, Beethoven’s Fantasy for Piano, Orchestra & Choral, Bach Piano Concerto, among others, steadily developing her multi-faceted talents to full scale. She takes conducting lessons with Mischa Damev in Zurich and Yi Zhang in Beijing.


[责任编辑:管健铭 PK005]

责任编辑:管健铭 PK005

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