
海外及港澳台阵容:瑞士Bubble Beatz


组建于1999年,来自瑞士的打击乐二人组合Bubble Beatz将电子舞曲音乐和精彩的打击乐表演完美地结合在一起,将TechHouse,2Step,Drum n' Bass利用平底锅、炒菜锅、汽车零

瑞士Bubble Beatz乐队

组建于1999年,来自瑞士的打击乐二人组合Bubble Beatz将电子舞曲音乐和精彩的打击乐表演完美地结合在一起,将TechHouse,2Step,Drum n' Bass利用平底锅、炒菜锅、汽车零部件和垃圾桶的敲击融为一炉。超过十年的俱乐部表演经验,遍布欧洲的音乐节巡演,以独特的舞台表演令无数观众痴迷,并且成为德国和欧洲最受欢迎的电视表演节目(其中包括进入超过8百万收视的综艺节目Das Supertalent达人秀排行前十)。无论是万人露天舞台还是汗水淋漓的俱乐部,只要能尽情敲打他们令人震撼的打击乐装备,他们都能挥洒自如,用他们如同催眠般的节奏,力拔千钧的敲击征服每一个观众的心。


Kay Rauber 

Christian Gschwend

Whether on the open air stage, in a club drenched in sweat, or in front of a huge TV audience: If they can hammer away at their impressive "Trashmachine", BUBBLE BEATZ feel right at home, sweeping people along with hypnotic rhythms, powerful beats and a stunning visual spectacle. Since 1999, the two Swiss drummers Kay Rauber and Christian Gschwend have been relentlessly giving everything in their intensely physical and visceral shows: "Time and again, we feel the corners of our vision go black and fuzzy. This is the signal that we are close to fainting", Kay describes the inimitable intensity that turns every show into an intoxicating experience. Their mission: "We want the audience to go com-pletely ballistic", says Christian about their motivation. The duo has proven they can fulfill this promise all over Europe in more than 500 shows, among them established festivals like Montreux Jazz, Open Air St. Gallen, Open Air Gampel, or Fusion Festival. Apart from their compelling intensity, their intuitive fusion of urbane underground club sounds and electrifying drum hymns are sure to integrate diverse audiences. 


Kay Rauber 

Christian Gschwend


标签:表演 打击乐


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