
海外及港澳台阵容:以色列Orphaned Land


来自以色列的乐团Orphaned Land,可说是摇滚史上最独特最具有开创性的重金属乐队,他们成立于1991年,以奇特的中东风格融合重金属元素展露他们特殊的音乐架构,成立于1991年并在1993年凭借

以色列Orphaned Land乐队

来自以色列的乐团Orphaned Land,可说是摇滚史上最独特最具有开创性的重金属乐队,他们成立于1991年,以奇特的中东风格融合重金属元素展露他们特殊的音乐架构,成立于1991年并在1993年凭借小样《Beloved's Cry》受到摇滚乐坛的瞩目,1994年推出处女作《Sahara》一炮而红,1996年第二张专辑《El Norra Alila》被众多媒体及乐评家赞扬为九十年代最佳地下摇滚经典之作之一。这支以色列乐团不受宗教政治力的影响而受到广大阿拉伯地区回教徒的欢迎,富有强烈的中东色彩和民谣风,加上奔放的重摇滚元素、神秘的哥德曲式、前卫音乐的因子和黑金属的精髓,竟然可以交织的如此巧妙与完美,西亚和欧美文明无瑕的融合在一起,犹太教义和可兰经透过摇滚乐的音符和平的交流.


主唱:Kobi Farhi

吉他:Chen Balbus

吉他:Yossi Sassi

贝斯:Uri Zelcha

鼓:Matan Shmuely

Probably one of the world's most unique and trailblazing heavy metal bands, Israel's Orphaned Land borrow heavily from Middle Eastern music styles to spice up their otherwise extreme metal sound. Founded in 1991 under the original name of Resurrection, Orphaned Land quickly drew attention to their unorthodox style via 1992's The Beloved's Cry demo (later issued on CD in 2000) and then contracted with France's Holy Records and issued two well-regarded albums in 1994's Sahara and 1996's El Nora Alila. During this productive period, the band's lineup consisted of Kobi Farhi (vocals), Yossi Saharon (lead guitar), Matti Svatitzki, (rhythm guitar), Uri Zelcha (bass), Itzik Levy (keyboards), and Sami Bachar (drums), but internal dissension, not to mention their relative geographic isolation in the international rock spectrum, ultimately drove them apart. 

Line Up:

Vocals - Kobi Farhi

Guitars - Chen Balbus

Guitars - Yossi Sassi

Bass - Uri Zelcha

Drums - Matan Shmuely


标签:摇滚 乐队


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