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《007天幕杀机》片头曝光 视觉华丽中国元素显现

2012年11月16日 10:04

22. 《007:大破量子危机》

Quantum of Solace


主题曲:Another Way to Die

制作:Jack White

主唱:Jack White Alicia Keys

这首歌在2009年的格莱美上获得了最佳音乐短片录影带的提名。除了收录在影片的原声大碟中,还收录在了Alicia Keys的个人专辑《As I Am: The Super Edition》之中。

know the player

with the slick

trigger finger

for her majesty

another one

with the

golden tone voice

and then your fantasy

another bill

from a killer

turned a thrill

into a tragedy

a door left open

a woman walking by

a drop in the water

a look in the eye

a phone on the table

a man on your side

someone that you think

that you can trust is just

another way to die

another tricky little gun

giving solace to the one

that will never see

the sunshine

another inch of your life


for your brother

in the nick of time

another dirty money,

heaven sent honey

turning on a dime

a door left open

a woman walking by

a drop in the water

a look in the eye

a phone on the table

a man on your side

someone that you think

that you can

trust is just

another way to die





another girl

with her finger

on the world singing

to you what you wanna hear

another gun thrown down

and surrendered

took away your fear


another man

that stands right

behind you

looking in the mirror

oh, a door left open

a woman walking by

a drop in the water

a look in the eye

a phone on the table

a man on your side


someone that you think

that you can trust

is just another way to die

[责任编辑:李琳] 标签:天幕 视觉 门德斯
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