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《007天幕杀机》片头曝光 视觉华丽中国元素显现

2012年11月16日 10:04

17. 《黄金眼》




音乐、填词:U2's Bono and The Edge 主唱:Tina Turner

自70年代后唯一使用The James Bond Theme调子的主题曲。

See reflections on the water,

More than darkness in the depths,

See him surface in every shadow,

On the wind I feel his breath,

GoldenEye, I've found his weakness,

GoldenEye, he'll do what I please,

GoldenEye, a time for sweetness,

But a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees,

See him move through smoke and mirrors,

Feel his presence in the crowd,

Other girls they gather round him,

If I had him I wouldn't let him out,

GoldenEye, not lace or leather,

Golden chains link him to the spot,

GoldenEye, I'll show him forever,

It'll take forever to see what I got,

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child,

You'll never know how it feels to get so close and be denied,

Its a golden honeytrap,

I've got for you tonight,

Revenge is a kiss,

This time I won't miss,

Now I've got you in my sights,

With a GoldenEye, golden, GoldenEye, with a GoldenEye,


[责任编辑:李琳] 标签:天幕 视觉 门德斯
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