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《007天幕杀机》片头曝光 视觉华丽中国元素显现

2012年11月16日 10:04

2. 《来自俄罗斯的爱情》

From Russia with Love


主题曲:From Russia With Love

音乐:John Barry 填词:Lionel Bart 主唱:Matt Munro

这首歌比较特殊,因片头的歌只是用乐器合成,片尾的歌则有歌手唱。片头的歌加插了The James Bond Theme的调子。


From Russia with love I fly to you,

Much wiser since my good-bye to you.

I've traveled the world to learn,

I must return from Russia with love.

I've seen places, faces and smiled for a moment,

But oh, you haunted me so.

Still my tongue tied young pride,

ld not let my love for you show In case you'd say no.

To Russia I flew but there and then,

I suddenly knew you'd care again.

My running around is through,

I fly to you from Russia with love

[责任编辑:李琳] 标签:天幕 视觉 门德斯
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