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《007天幕杀机》片头曝光 视觉华丽中国元素显现

2012年11月16日 10:04

8. 《生死关头》

Live and Let Die


主题曲:Live and Let Die

音乐:George Martin

填词、音乐:Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney

主唱:Paul McCartney and Wings

是第一首合唱的歌和第一首快歌,Paul McCartney做主音。


When you were young and your heart was an open book,

You used to say live and let live.

(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did.

But if this ever-changing world in which we live in

makes you give in and cry,

Say live and let die!

Live and let die,

live and let die,

live and let die.

What does it matter to ya,

When you've got a job to do you gotta do it well,

You gotta give the other fellow hell!

You used to say live and let live.

(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)

But if this ever-changing world in which we live in makes you give in and cry,

Say live and let die!

Live and let die,

live and let die,

live and let die.

[责任编辑:李琳] 标签:天幕 视觉 门德斯
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